Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why Don't people ever buy more then one type of toothpaste at a time?

Sorry for the delay. School has been on top of me and I frankly couldn't think of anything to write. But lo some inspiration!

It has occurred to me that for the most part when people decide to go out and buy a toothpaste they generally grab one of their favorite brand and wait for it to run out before they have to take a trip back to the store to buy more toothpaste. Well if you do this how are you supposed to find out about any other kind of toothpaste? I mean I recently had cinnamon crest. That stuff was good but I had never bought it before.(think bigred in toothpaste form). So I think I will write a list WHY you should buy 2 tubes of toothpaste.

1. Most importantly "try new things"- If you don't want to invest in a whole tube you can get one of those travel size things.

2.Toothpaste lasts a long time so it is bound to happen that you may grow old of a type - Seriously think about how often you need to get a new tube of toothpaste. Every 3 or 4 months?(if you are alone that is) If you are brushing your teeth twice a day (If it is less you are gross) you are bound to wanna try something different.

3.New tubes are like 3 dollars- I have spend about as much on trying a 7-Layer I didn't like. And even if I liked the taco I would have eaten it and it would have been gone in like 5 minutes.

4.Toothpaste doesn't go bad- If you run 3 different types of toothpaste in a rotation everyday it isn't like after 6 months it will go bad or anything.

And for the obligatory related funny picture
Crest needs to step up their advertising game.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

1.09 Is too damn much for a candy bar!

As of recent in order to try to extort money out of students the school store increased the price of a candy bar from 1$ to a 1.09$. And honestly that is just awful. In my opinion the max price for any regular size candy bar should be a dollar. That is all. I once knew a man in my highschool who would sell candy bars out of his locker for a dollar. Now he had a fairly good monopoly on the market. But all he ever charged was a dollar. Therefore a highschool student has better business ethics then my school.

A Dollar and a candy bar should be the only stuff that needs to be involved. Don't add no goddamn tax to a candy bar either. I give you a dollar,you give me a candy bar. There should be no more complexity then that. Of course the school has to pay for a 14 billion dollar expanison to pay for (that no one really asked for WOW A WALKWAY TO THE LIBRARY,GOD FORBID YOU HAVE TO WALK 2 MINUTES TO LIBRARY IN INCLIMATE WEATHER)
Regardless of inflation these should be 1 USD. Or 50,000,000 Zimbabwes if you are counting.
And honestly I would love to not buy that candy but the law of supply and demand has me by the balls. I have a magical 250$ flex account which can buy me candy. They supply stuff I can spend my magic on and I DEMAND CANDY.