Thursday, February 3, 2011

1.09 Is too damn much for a candy bar!

As of recent in order to try to extort money out of students the school store increased the price of a candy bar from 1$ to a 1.09$. And honestly that is just awful. In my opinion the max price for any regular size candy bar should be a dollar. That is all. I once knew a man in my highschool who would sell candy bars out of his locker for a dollar. Now he had a fairly good monopoly on the market. But all he ever charged was a dollar. Therefore a highschool student has better business ethics then my school.

A Dollar and a candy bar should be the only stuff that needs to be involved. Don't add no goddamn tax to a candy bar either. I give you a dollar,you give me a candy bar. There should be no more complexity then that. Of course the school has to pay for a 14 billion dollar expanison to pay for (that no one really asked for WOW A WALKWAY TO THE LIBRARY,GOD FORBID YOU HAVE TO WALK 2 MINUTES TO LIBRARY IN INCLIMATE WEATHER)
Regardless of inflation these should be 1 USD. Or 50,000,000 Zimbabwes if you are counting.
And honestly I would love to not buy that candy but the law of supply and demand has me by the balls. I have a magical 250$ flex account which can buy me candy. They supply stuff I can spend my magic on and I DEMAND CANDY.

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