Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why Don't people ever buy more then one type of toothpaste at a time?

Sorry for the delay. School has been on top of me and I frankly couldn't think of anything to write. But lo some inspiration!

It has occurred to me that for the most part when people decide to go out and buy a toothpaste they generally grab one of their favorite brand and wait for it to run out before they have to take a trip back to the store to buy more toothpaste. Well if you do this how are you supposed to find out about any other kind of toothpaste? I mean I recently had cinnamon crest. That stuff was good but I had never bought it before.(think bigred in toothpaste form). So I think I will write a list WHY you should buy 2 tubes of toothpaste.

1. Most importantly "try new things"- If you don't want to invest in a whole tube you can get one of those travel size things.

2.Toothpaste lasts a long time so it is bound to happen that you may grow old of a type - Seriously think about how often you need to get a new tube of toothpaste. Every 3 or 4 months?(if you are alone that is) If you are brushing your teeth twice a day (If it is less you are gross) you are bound to wanna try something different.

3.New tubes are like 3 dollars- I have spend about as much on trying a 7-Layer I didn't like. And even if I liked the taco I would have eaten it and it would have been gone in like 5 minutes.

4.Toothpaste doesn't go bad- If you run 3 different types of toothpaste in a rotation everyday it isn't like after 6 months it will go bad or anything.

And for the obligatory related funny picture
Crest needs to step up their advertising game.

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