Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to make 8 bit jams

Have you ever been browsing along the youtubes and seen something like this before?

Chances are you were wondering how do I make something this retro? Well in truth it is fairly easy to do.

Step 1: Go get guitar pro somehow. I would suggest illegally downloading it from warez-bb purchasing it.
(As an aside the open source Tux guitar works equally well get it here )

Step 2: Get GXSCC @
Make sure you have more then a pentium 3 and 128 mbs of ram!

Step 3: Get Guitar pro 5 tabs from somewhere on the internets. should probably have the song you are looking (unless you are into some crazy indie rock band no one has ever heard of. I'm looking at you arcade fire)

Step 4: Go open your TOTALLY LEGAL copy of guitar pro.

Step 5: Open the .gp5 file you just downloaded.

Step 6: Go to "File>Export>Export as midi" Note this wont work if your song is playing so make sure you stop it first (this works the same way with tux guitar)

Step 7: Open GXSCC

Step 8: Drag and drop the midi you exported from Step 6 to the fancy pink window of gaishisoft.

Step 9: Click on the "Authoring" button and output your .wav file anywhere you want. And bang your done!
(as an aside  you can tinker with the settings of your midi file in GXSCC in the config )

Well there you go. Your favorite song in 8 bit form. Perfect for anything you have in mind

Today's post has been brought to you by Bender. And Child Abduction.

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