Friday, April 1, 2011

On being uninspired

Inspiration is an odd thing and honestly I haven't been able to think of anything coy,ironic or funny recently. I would probably like to cite school as a main factor for my lack of inspiration. I dunno it is like I just have had a lack of energy or something. Hence the lack of posts.

I promised a reader that I would update today and was going to make my original post ranting about Punxsutawney Phil and how he was wrong this year.
This is like -1 Celsius for all my European readers
However I did some research about this "Master troll" and realized he is right about 39% of the time. For those of who don't know anything about anything randomly tossing a coin in the air and calling heads or tails will probably generate more accurate results.
OH SHI- Looks like those march firestorms are going to be coming around.

 So you know that kinda removes any justified rage. I mean how can you be angry at a guy for getting something wrong when statistically he has shitty luck. If you really want an animal who you should have made your next prophet I heard that paul the octopus guy was picking world cup winners like it was his job. Although he has died he will rise again in another 4 years to decide who wins the world cup and then ascend into heaven to take the throne in an epic battle vs Odin and Ra. Grace be to paul.
For now soccer. Tomorrow THE WORLD

So there you go. As for other interesting things that have been keeping me occupied when not thinking of things to write about
(Epic meal time - Cooking to the next level) 
(THE NEWS!- I know right? Seriously there are like 3 wars going on and a tsunami) 

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