Monday, January 31, 2011

Random Picture break #2

School as well as a magic tournament all saturday has been getting to me.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why the radio sucks so much.

In the chances that you have driven somewhere in a car that doesn't have a CD or MP3 plugin you have had to deal with a radio. AKA one of the now worst inventions known to man. Now I have many complaints against the radio so I will go ahead and list them.
1.Ads ads and more ads.Now this may seem like an unreasonable complaint but seriously I can hop on pandora or Hulu and deal with boatloads less of ads then I deal with on the radio.

2.The radio never tells me what song was just played RIGHT AFTER IT WAS PLAYED. Maybe I am browsing and I come upon a song I like and then it ends. I want to know the name of this song so I can pirate it purchase it on Itunes. I don't want to have to look on some website or trying wait through the other 8 terrible songs you managed to play to have some DJ list the last thousand songs to tell me what is on.

3.Terrible station choices. You see if you want to make money as a radio station you need to have ads. More listeners you have the more you can charge for ads the more money you can make. This is why there are 1000000 top 40 stations and since I am in the middle of WHITESVILLE 1000000 country stations (and jesus stations. seriously keep your preachin on the AM stations where they belong). Maybe one or two rock stations and even then they might have some latest crappy rock they have today

4.Narrow Selection of Music. I guess this sorta coincides with number 3 but I am amazed I never heard raining blood or something by slayer on radio. Saying slayer "isn't mainstream" is obviously a large lie but yet in my entire life's existence I have never heard them on the radio. What is up with that?

Yeah this is related to the radio enough.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kids these days with their Nerf Assualt Rifles

In case anyone happened to not be watching TV in the past few years Nerf guns have gotten awesome. STUPIDLY AWESOME. Like surfing on a lake of fire while playing a guitar made of lightning awesome. How awesome have they gotten? Well lets look at what many may consider the pinnacle of Nerf technology.
Like a Nerf Gun from GOD HIMSELF.
Fully automatic with a 35 round drum mag. (Though the default only comes with 3 20 round mags)
This is clearly the most awesome toy gun that has ever been invented ever.
What kind of nerf guns did you play with when you were kids?
Look at those things! Seriously kids today don't know how awesome they have it. That one of the left has like some kinda awkward stripper clip system.

And maybe sometimes you get tired of shooting darts at each other. That is okay nerf has got your back with foam weapons to beat each other with.

So in short nerf guns(and swords) are more awesome then they have been.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some tips from a first time bacon cooker

Despite my 20 some years of existence on this planet I had never actually cooked the red gold of breakfast foods known as bacon. However today that has all changed. I have cooked bacon and have a few tips for beginners
1. Crispy Bacon takes patience. Bacon isn't a "Ill fry it in the pan 3 or 4 minutes and it will be cooked." You need to spend a good amount of time crispin in up.
2.Even if the bacon is still limp in the bacon grease when you dry it off it may gain crispiness. I had blackened a piece of bacon and it was limp in the pan but when moved to the paper towels low and behold it gained crispiness.
3. Blackened Bacon STILL TASTES GOOD. Most food when you char it game over. Not so with bacon.
4. If you use the front burner splatter may make the floor in front of the stove greases.
5. Splatter isn't quite the evil I thought it would be. I had maybe one or two incredibly small drops fall land on my hand and it didn't even hurt much.
6. Bacon shrinks A LOT. Even thought you had probably seen uncooked bacon before it really doesn't impress you till you watch that fat strip turn into something small in front of your very eyes.
Not if you want it really crispy! Goddamn hippies and their precooked bacon.

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Years Movielution

In what I guess could be called my new years resolution I am going to watch a movie every week for the next year.
Cause I need to.
 This is just a list for my reference. Plus after each movie I will comment it with a short review.

‎1. The good, The bad and the ugly.
2. It's a wonderful life
4. Psycho (original)
5. The princess Bride
6.The godfather
7. The Godfather part 2
8. The godfather part 3
9. Seven Samurai
10. The Professional
12. The Usual Suspects
13. The Shining
14. Lawrence of Arabia
15. Reservoir Dogs
16. Dog Day Afternoon
17. Raging Bull
18. Once upon a time in mexico
19. Forbidden planet (the reason Leslie Nielson deserved more respect then he got when he died)
20. 2001: A space odyssey
21. The Green Mile
22. Big
23. The big Lebowski
24. The Sixth Sense
25. Unbreakable (back to back shamalamawhatshiface movies ?!!?!?!?!)
26. Donnie Darko
27. Pale Rider
28. There will be blood
29. The Manchurian candidate (both are good, i prefer original)
30. Lock, Stock and two smoking barrels
31. From Russia with love (best james bond movie ever made)
32. Good Will hunting
33. Police Academy (gotta get me some classic comedy's up in hur.)
34. The Jerk
35. The Shawshank redemption
36. Alien
37. Aliens
38. Alien 3 (and im not putting alien resurrection cause it sucks)
39. Leaving las vegas.
40. A bronx tale
41. Twelve Monkeys
42. Young Frankenstein
43. Animal House
44. Rain man
45. Jurassic park ( only because im almost positive you haven't seen this movie.
46. The man in the iron mask
47. Stand by me (this is the stephen king movie that i couldn't think of its name)
48. The Ref
49. The adventures of robin hood (the serious one)
50. Philadelphia
51. Enter the Dragon
52. Mad max the road warrior. (rare sequel that's better then the original).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Browsing the Innanet for so long leaves me with a lot of awesome images
So instead of writing a review for true grit or the cape or Call of Duty BLOCK ORPS
Here is Morgan Freemans CHAIN O COMMAND

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why I don't trust the economy.

Now the economy is a huge mass of moving parts and cogs but for the simplicity of this rant I will break it down into 3 categories. Consumers, Corporations and THE GOVERMENT.

The Reason I don't trust corporations is they are in the buisness of making money and that is pretty much about it. If you think that american corporations wouldn't stoop to child slavery to manufacture chocolate bars well then

Or how about Nike SOCCER BALLS

Point is if you are making lots of money you can have no morals.Even PLAGARIZE ANIMES for your cheese curl mascot
He transmuted his dead mom into TASTY CHEESE CURLS.
Now consumers. Obviously I am a consumer. And I am probably not to be trusted. Remember how I just said thousands of orphans are used to create one pair of nike shoes? Well guess what kinda shoe I am wearing right this second? That is right nike. Now sure I could probably go to a place like and pay 80 dollars for a pair of shoes. Or I could run over to Modell's and pay 30 for a pair. Plus my belt is made in china and my shirt was made in Honduras.
My Black Ops disc was made in china IT SHOWS

Now how does the GUBBERMINT play into all of this? Well remember how they were out letting nike grind up orphans to make shoes? Well they were fighting tooth and nail to spend your tax bailing out GM to "save american jobs". And how about that BP disaster? Remember when the people were supposed to make sure that didn't happen? Too bad they were busy having crazy sex with the oil and gas people
The shark riding industry has been subsidized by the GOVERMENT

So that is basically why I don't trust anyone with the economy. However my mind is not set in stone. If you have any awesome arguments feel free to post in the comments section below or talk to me in person since I am sure everyone who is reading this blog at the moment knows me personally.

Monday, January 10, 2011

3 Firearms you probably have never heard of

Back in the days when warfare involved incredibly large amounts of digging and most machine guns weighed around 100 pounds some crazy canadian was like "What if I take one of those bolt action ross rifles,give it a 25 round drum and make it fire at full auto?" You get this.

Canadian BAR.
The gun actually proved somewhat better then the standard light machine gun at the time. Soldiers reported they loved the gun and it cost about 50 Canadian dollars where as the Lewis cost about 1000 Canadian dollars.
So why haven't you heard about this gun? Funny thing happened. The war ended and suddenly German murdering devices market took a dive. Why no one ever thought to make the gun in world war 2 is beyond me.

Revolvers all look very similar. However those crazy Italians aren't merely content to just go with the standard design. So sure enough the mateba autorevolver was born. It uses the gasses from the shot to spin the barrel and cock the hammer where as other revolvers just use the trigger press to do both.
Looks like some kinda crazy FUTURE GUN
Now why haven't you heard of this gun? Probably because hollywood hasn't put it in any of their crazy shoot-em up movie. But they should. 

Unlike those other 2 guns which seem rather awesome the following is almost a step back in gun technology. In a world where we had pump action shotguns with fancy semi-auto or pump actions with 8 shot round capacity some crazy dude thought it was okay to make a marketable shotgun that can only shoot once using the same kind of system you can make out of some plumbing supplies on a lazy sunday afternoon
Seriously I could make a better gun in my sleep.
This gun sells for around 1000 dollars now despite probably costing around 5 bucks to make. Why? Because apparently there were only around 18 made before the ATF decided that having an open bolt method of firing on guns wasn't cool with them.


Aight So I guess this will be my first post or something. I will try to share something interesting or insightful once a week to make the blog worth reading. Personal opinions,facts,rants, obscure shit you don't know about. OR MAYBE YOU DO! At any rate I will try to be punctual. No point reading a blog that updates NEVER.

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