Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why the radio sucks so much.

In the chances that you have driven somewhere in a car that doesn't have a CD or MP3 plugin you have had to deal with a radio. AKA one of the now worst inventions known to man. Now I have many complaints against the radio so I will go ahead and list them.
1.Ads ads and more ads.Now this may seem like an unreasonable complaint but seriously I can hop on pandora or Hulu and deal with boatloads less of ads then I deal with on the radio.

2.The radio never tells me what song was just played RIGHT AFTER IT WAS PLAYED. Maybe I am browsing and I come upon a song I like and then it ends. I want to know the name of this song so I can pirate it purchase it on Itunes. I don't want to have to look on some website or trying wait through the other 8 terrible songs you managed to play to have some DJ list the last thousand songs to tell me what is on.

3.Terrible station choices. You see if you want to make money as a radio station you need to have ads. More listeners you have the more you can charge for ads the more money you can make. This is why there are 1000000 top 40 stations and since I am in the middle of WHITESVILLE 1000000 country stations (and jesus stations. seriously keep your preachin on the AM stations where they belong). Maybe one or two rock stations and even then they might have some latest crappy rock they have today

4.Narrow Selection of Music. I guess this sorta coincides with number 3 but I am amazed I never heard raining blood or something by slayer on radio. Saying slayer "isn't mainstream" is obviously a large lie but yet in my entire life's existence I have never heard them on the radio. What is up with that?

Yeah this is related to the radio enough.


  1. Most of your complaints look to be region-specific. Growing up in near-central PA, I've had a number of good radio stations to pick from since youth. Admittedly, there are an over-abundance of ads, and there are a few more rap/pop/top 40 stations than I'd like, but by and large, I'm fairly satisfied with the stations of my area.

    To address your second point, there's this. All you need is a station willing to use the text tag, and a radio that can interpret the data, and you'll know what song's playing.

    And to add insult to injury, I'm thinking the first time I ever heard anything by Slayer was on the radio. I know I've heard Megadeth, Iron Maiden, and even some Sonata Artica, at the very least.

  2. Indeed you are probably correct sir. I live in Philadelphia so there tends to be a rather large amount of rap and R&B stations on. I think right now there are about 3 stations I consider to have tolerable music and none of them would play slayer or megadeth.

  3. Here, I basically grew up with this:
