Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why I don't trust the economy.

Now the economy is a huge mass of moving parts and cogs but for the simplicity of this rant I will break it down into 3 categories. Consumers, Corporations and THE GOVERMENT.

The Reason I don't trust corporations is they are in the buisness of making money and that is pretty much about it. If you think that american corporations wouldn't stoop to child slavery to manufacture chocolate bars well then http://www.organicconsumers.org/fair_trade/slavechocolate060414.cfm

Or how about Nike SOCCER BALLS

Point is if you are making lots of money you can have no morals.Even PLAGARIZE ANIMES for your cheese curl mascot
He transmuted his dead mom into TASTY CHEESE CURLS.
Now consumers. Obviously I am a consumer. And I am probably not to be trusted. Remember how I just said thousands of orphans are used to create one pair of nike shoes? Well guess what kinda shoe I am wearing right this second? That is right nike. Now sure I could probably go to a place like http://www.americansworking.com/shoes.html and pay 80 dollars for a pair of shoes. Or I could run over to Modell's and pay 30 for a pair. Plus my belt is made in china and my shirt was made in Honduras.
My Black Ops disc was made in china IT SHOWS

Now how does the GUBBERMINT play into all of this? Well remember how they were out letting nike grind up orphans to make shoes? Well they were fighting tooth and nail to spend your tax bailing out GM to "save american jobs". And how about that BP disaster? Remember when the people were supposed to make sure that didn't happen? Too bad they were busy having crazy sex with the oil and gas people http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19083
The shark riding industry has been subsidized by the GOVERMENT

So that is basically why I don't trust anyone with the economy. However my mind is not set in stone. If you have any awesome arguments feel free to post in the comments section below or talk to me in person since I am sure everyone who is reading this blog at the moment knows me personally.

1 comment:

  1. I personally believe corporations are big cuddly teddy bears who just want to cuddle us and love us to death.
